Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy 10th Birthday Cameron!!!

Cameron wanted to have a princess party, which was just fine with me considering the fact that she is growing up too fast! We had the usual swimming party at Nena and Pop's house and then went to IHOP(she got to pick) on her actual birthday. She got some great gifts. Her favorite of course was the Wii. We really like it too! I just can't believe that she is 10.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Kate is a little chatter box these days. She repeats EVERYTHING! Even when mommy says, "crap its hot out!" Oops!
It is too cute to hear her talking. She is really learning a lot of words. She is kinda bossy too...wonder where she gets that from. lol.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Now that life has gone back to normal Kate seems to be doing much better. While Victoria was here she was doing everything that Victoria did. She started throwing fits and was being mean. But now I have my sweet baby girl back. She didn't throw a fit the entire weekend. We took her to the Ranger game and she was perfect! Its nice to be able to enjoy my family! Victoria was a sweet little girl, until Christal was around. She was horrible when Christal was there. I couldn't wait for Christal to go to work so that Victoria would stop crying and throwing fits. It was amazing the difference.

I am a graduate!

I finally finished my degree! It seemed like it was never going to happen. Now I am just applying for jobs and trying to get into ECAP. I hope it all works out!